About us
Watch out for thousands of Trials/Scrambler pictures , some of them never published before ...

Our Mission
To make available to classic enthusiasts the extensive photo archive taken by Mary and myself plus a dedicated band of fellow freelance photographers who joined to help create the Off Road Review printed magazines and my Rich Mixture series of printed books.
86 years old, so I have been photographing for over seventy years, most of them on film and manual cameras. To get results I was taught basics by my uncle, who was President of a camera club in Leicester - his forte was winning photograph competitions with 30" x 20" prints of photos taken with a Box Brownie camera! Brilliant skill! Wrote as a freelancer for several commercial magazines until one overzealous copy editor put a totally inaccurate headline above my piece - and the main editor refused to correct it - I never wrote another word for the commercial press, but took a course at a summer school and taught myself how to publish books and magazines. I can tell you very little of my working life - which resides in the secret world of machines like the Enigma. For my hobbies I enjoyed restoring motorbikes, my favourite being when I took on the restoration of the real GOV132!

Deryk Wylde